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30th April 2024

Suspected Cancer Referrals Booking Process

In March 2024, some changes were made to e-RS which allowed Referral Assessment Services (RASs) to be added to a patient’s shortlist.

This also changed the process by which referrals are sent to a single Referral Assessment Service. We understand this was communicated via face to face and online events and system alerts to users.

It has come to our attention that there are a number of Urgent Suspected Cancer patients who have yet to book an appointment due to being referred through an incorrect process within the Greater Manchester ICB.

Practices are asked to note:

Patient choice does not apply when referring on a suspected cancer pathway. If there are no appointments available, then the referral should be deferred to provider. This ensures that patient details are sent to the provider for them to arrange an appointment for them.

Please do not request the appointment as this puts the onus on the patient to book the appointment. There have been several instances recently where patients have failed to do this resulting in delays to their initial assessment and any necessary treatment. Practices are also reminded to check their ‘awaiting booking’ worklist to ensure patients referred on a suspected cancer pathway have been accepted and booked by providers.